Thursday, April 3, 2008


If anyone's been wanting to know, I actually like the food in Tunisia.  It's really pretty good and it's made me start liking some foods I never quite liked before.  For example, I now like/don't mind eating tomatoes, mushrooms, and olives.  I'm also very conflicted about eating chicken and eggs.  I've "accidentally" had both a few times and I've been reaction free, which is making me wonder whether I've outgrown the original allergies I had to poultry before.  Who knows but I'm really starting to crave some Albertson's Fried Chicken.

Another nice thing about being in a foreign country is getting truly fresh fruits and vegetables. For the first 2 months I have been buying my produce in the grocery store (Monoprix if anyone wants to know the name of the store) and have been somewhat dissatisfied with the choices and quality.  But there is a produce market down a back alley in La Marsa where the Tunisians shop and the choices are fabulous and the prices are even better.  

And right now, it's strawberry season and the strawberries are amazing.  They're enormous, they taste perfect and they're cheap.  A whole 2 TD (about $1.60) a kilo.  So, I've been eating them with everything.  A perfectly healthy snack.  Great on cornflakes.  Wonderful in crepes.  I simply cannot get enough.

Til next time,


1 comment:

Corrigan Vaughan said...

Those pictures made me smile